Browsing the web about the latest round of Health and Social Care Bill backed pile-em-high, sell-em-higher NHS services currently out to private sector tender, Dr No chanced upon a success statement (SS) so hilarious his eyes would have popped (EWP) were it not for the fact that it came from the Orkneys, where Dr No had the privilege of spending a few weeks as a medical student with a real GP doing real medicine. The statement reads:
Orkney Islands Council (OIC), in partnership with NHS Orkney (NHSO), secured Efficient Government Funding (EGF) to progress an innovative partnership (PIP) that seeks common efficiency aims (CEAs) whilst enhancing the general economy (EGE) of Orkney. The main proposition (MP) of the funding bid (FB) was to deliver effectiveness and efficiency gains (EEGs) through establishment of a new shared service delivery (SSD) organisation, operated along joint venture (JV) lines by the executives and management (EAM) of OIC and NHSO. The EGF bid identified ICT topics for exploration (TFE) and secured funding (SF) to develop the business cases required (BCR).
The Health Board (HB) decided to embark on an ambitious shared services programme (SSP) with OIC, a decision that was supported by the Scottish Government (SG). The NHSO Creating Sustainable Services Programme (CSSP) was initiated to deliver a strategic service redesign (SSRD) to achieve a range of clinical, service and financial (CSF) recovery aims (RAs). The CSSP ICT review sought to identify ways (SIW) in which ICT could be better used and delivered (BUD) within NHSO and identify potential savings (IPS) within the IM&T spend (IM&TS).
Appointed to evaluate NHSO’s ICT organisation. The capability and capacity (CAC) of OIC’s ICT organisation was also investigated to explore the possibility (EtP) of them providing the ICT service on behalf of NHSO. We performed a comprehensive management consultancy review (CMCR) of ICT operations across NHSO, with a view to achieving in-house or equivalent savings (IHES) through sharing services with other providers (SSOP). The review highlighted that ICT represented a significant area of opportunity (SAO) for the delivery of a shared service (DSS) to the benefit of NHSO and the OIC.
Collaboration activity (CA) between the two organisations was formalised and subsequently, we conducted a readiness audit (RA) of the OIC ISD. The audit focused on the capability of OIC to provide the ICT service to NHSO as an “arms-length” supplier (ALS). Made a number or recommendations (MNR) related to the launch of the new JWICTS including identifying associated corporate risks and benefits (CRBs) and proposing governance arrangements (PGAs). A recommendation was made (RWM) to coach and mentor (CAM) IT Management, especially in relation (EIR) to the base-lining of the new Joint Working Service. RWM that assistance would be required (WBR) with preparation of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) to underpin the new Joint IT Working Service (JITWS).
PBC for the IT Joint Working work-stream (ITJWWS) which proposed that the new Joint Working IT Service (JWITS) be provided by (BPB) a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). Service contracts (SCs) , based on ITIL principles (ITILPs) provide the basis (PTB) for formal undertakings (FUs) between NHSO and the SPV, and between OIC and the SPV. OGA for BLM of ITCs and other partners (OPs) ensured AGMOTIB.
Source: NHS Orkney – Shared Services IT (SHIT) Solutions. It is only when you get (if you haven’t succumbed earlier to the language) to the lower strap-line ‘Highways Agency on the Road to Improvement with Lockheed Martin’ and then look at the address bar and page headings that it becomes clear what this quasi-NHS page is really about.