So – The Goose is to be roasted in the oven of the courts. The CPS has decided that Ray ‘I did it wiv t’pillah’ Gosling has led the police on one big, err, goose chase, and that he should be charged with, err, leading the police on a wild goose chase.
Meanwhile, the very same CPS has decided that Gosport’s Diamorphine Queen, Dr Jane Barton, should not go for a Burton, despite a sea of inquest findings suggesting Barton’s overzealous opiate prescribing contributed to a number of deaths.
This is, after all, the same CPS that declared itself bamboozled by conflicting post mortem reports on the death of Ian Tomlinson. Dr Maroof Aboo-Seer Sinbad ‘Shreddie’ Patel – already in trouble with the GMC, and erroneously maintained on the Home Office Register of Forensic Pathologists – ‘helped’ the police with their enquiries, and concluded Tomlinson died of natural causes, only to have that conclusion reversed by two later pathologists.
And the same CPS that decided Friends At the End (FATE) member and former GP Dr Libby Wilson should not face prosecution under the Suicide Act despite advising Catherine Loder on the effectiveness of helium inhalation as a way to kill herself.
Four different cases, all in the news over the last few days, and all involving one or more alleged unnatural deaths: and yet the CPS is to prosecute only one – and that for wasting police time.
Which begs the question: what if the police had found some evidence that The Goose had snuffed his bit on the side all those years ago? Might there, instead of a prosecution, been a lot of whinnying about ‘insufficient evidence’ to mount a prosecution ‘after all these years’?
The message, it seems, is clear. Doctors and the Police can, as they say, get away with murder – but woe betide he who wastes police time.