Many doctors in the United Kingdom will have recently received a copy of Count Rubin’s New Year round-robin ‘Be Ye of Good Cheer’ letter. Dr No can reveal that Count Rubin has also recorded a New Year message, shortly to be made available to younger members of the profession who either can’t be bothered to open GMC letters, or if they do, lack the motivation to read them. In keeping with the Council’s new media-rich interactive way, this message will be made available as a podcast. For older members of the profession who can’t be messing with all that new-fangled stuff, Dr No is pleased to present The Official Transcript of Count Rubin’s New Year Podcast to the Profession:
Good Evening. I have recently been travelling around the country on your behalf, and at your expense, visiting some of the chaps with whom I hope to be shaping your future. I went first to Wales, to the Land of Tafydd, and there I spoke with the Welsh Chief Medical Officer, Prof…[mumbles] Prof-and-there, and we exchanged many frank words in our respective languages, so precious little came of that in the way of understanding. I would however emphasize that the little that did come of it was indeed truly precious.
I then went on to Scotland, and there I had talks with the young, vigorous Deputy CMO of that great nation, and chattered with her charming accomplices. We talked of many things, including the General Medical Council’s position with the profession as some kind of secret police. I agreed with her when he said no Council could be more secret, and she agreed with me when I chaffed her and said no Council could be more p’leased. This type of genial statesman-like banter often went on late into the night.
Now, while I was on my travels, I was very moved to receive emails from doctors in acute distress all over the country. And one in particular from an ancient doctor in Tannochbrae is indelibly imprinted on my memory. [He takes a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket] It reads, "Dear Count Rubin, I am an old age pensioner in Tannochbrae, living on a fixed income of some one hundred and two pounds a week. This is not enough to allow me to pay my Annual Retention Fee. What do you of the General Medical Council propose to do about it?" [He tears up the email] Well, let me say right away Dr Cameron, as one old age pensioner to another, be of good cheer! There are many doctors in this country worse off than yourself, and it is the policy of the General Medical Council to see that this position is maintained.
And now I see that the sands of time are drawing all too rapidly to a close. I commend to you our new rallying cry for the profession, so popular up here at Euston Towers. Good night – and do not forget: Revalidung macht frei!
Peter Cook’s original TVPM can be heard/downloaded here (mp3 – 5.3Mb).